Canadian Centre for Men and Families
York Region

Canadian Centre for Men and Families
York Region

Men account for 75% of victims of suicide.

Why is nobody talking about male victims of suicide? Men are at a higher risk of suicide. This risk grows if the man is divorced. Often support comes after it is too late. We are here to help. 

Why do the police assume men are the abusers?

Men deserve to feel safe in their own homes. Yet often when they report incidents of intimate partner violence to police they are not believed. In fact, over half are accused of being the perpetrator. This deters men from seeking help and can keep them stuck in an abusive and dangerous situation. We believe you. […]

Boys are 75% more likely to drop out of high school.

Education is a stepping stone towards a bright future. Every child should have an equal opportunity to achieve their dreams. The gender-gap in education is growing. What are we doing to close the gender gap in education?

Divorce is hard on children too.

Our children are innocent bystanders and yet they too often become the victims of parental conflict. Parental alienation is often justified, minimized and left unchallenged. Children deserve access to both parents for their emotional wellbeing, and their future success. Visit our website to learn more about how we can protect our children from parental alienation. […]

Men make up 70% of homicide victims

 Men are at higher risk of being victims of violence than women. Men also deserve safety. Like women, men should be able to walk the streets without fear of being hurt, traumatized or murdered. Often men are told to “man up” and to not be scared, yet, they are at risk of being victimized. Let’s […]

Men are survivors too!

Survivors need to be believed. Survivors need to have their voice heard. Survivors need to be validated. Everybody deserves support.

Intimate Partner Violence

According to Statistics Canada, men make up 60% of intimate partner survivors and yet they face stigma, ridicule and skepticism when speaking up. Because of this, they are less likely to report traumatic incidents of violence at the hands of an intimate partner to police. Men are not less deserving of support and justice. The […]

Divorce is Hard

 Divorce is hard on everyone. However, men face unique challenges that are oftentimes left unaddressed. Being denied access to their children and struggling to make child support payments they cannot afford puts fathers at risk for depression and suicide. If you know someone who is struggling or you are a father facing these challenges, there […]

“It is a child’s right to see their father”

 Children have rights too, but often these rights are not respected or acknowledged. In a recent court case reported by the Law Society Gazette, Judge Waters says it is “a child’s legal right to have a relationship with both parents”. When divorce happens children are often confused, scared and uncertain of their future. They should […]


We provide psychotherapy for men and families from all walks of life.